I have this situation: * `marcos`: home server, canonical repository with all my files (`group=backup`) * `angela`: laptop, with a subset of the files (`group=manual`) * `VHS`: backup external USB storage, should have a redundant copy of all files (`group=manual`) directly connecting the external USB drive to `marcos` is annoying, so I usually connect it to `angela` instead, which doesn't have all the files. This brings up the peculiar situation that I cannot actually backup all the files to `VHS` from `angela`, without first copying them locally. I have a few issues with that: 1. it fails silently: if I try to copy to `VHS` and the file is not on `angela`, it silently fails: [997]anarcat@angela:mp3$ git annex drop nothere (recording state in git...) [998]anarcat@angela:mp3$ git annex copy --to VHS nothere [999]anarcat@angela:mp3$ git annex find --in VHS nothere [1001]anarcat@angela:mp3$ git annex list nothere here |VHS ||htcones |||marcos ||||web |||||bittorrent ||||||htconesdumb ||||||| ___X___ nothere [1002]anarcat@angela:mp3$ this shouldn't silently fail to copy: it should warn me that it can't find a file to copy, at least. 1. it takes up more disk space: i need to download all the missing files locally before I can transfer them to `VHS`. here's the way I make sure files are transfered properly on `VHS`: git annex copy --to VHS --not --in VHS git annex get --not --in VHS git annex copy --to VHS --not --in VHS git annex drop --not --in 'here@{yesterday}' the latter line is expecially problematic, because it is not accurate... 1. it's slower: i need to write files locally before I can transfer them. ideally, those files would be streamed, or at least I would need to buffer locally only one file at a time and not the whole batch. Maybe I am missing something obvious here and there are other ways of doing this. I am running `6.20160902+gitgbc49d8a-1~ndall+1`. I know I could setup `angela` to be in the `transfer` group, but then files I don't want would end up stored on `angela`: files that are missing from other remotes, for example. Even worse, some files I *do* want could be candidates for removal on `angela` because they have been propagated everywhere, whereas I have a select set of files (hence `group=manual`) that are present in `angela` that I want to stay there. It seems to me at least #1 above should be fixed: `copy` shouldn't succeed when it can't comply with the requested preferred content expression. Somehow, I expected this to work, and maybe that's the core issue here: git annex copy --from marcos --to VHS nothere Thanks for considering this! -- [[anarcat]]