[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 4""" date="2015-11-04T21:00:02Z" content=""" Now, many git-annex commands support -Jn, the output is not a jumbled mess thanks to the concurrent-output library. At this point all I see that needs doing is: * Maybe support -Jn in more commands. Just needs changing a few lines of code and testing each. * It would be nice to be able to run cleanup actions in the "background", after a command has otherwise succeeded, even when -Jn is not used. In particular, when getting files, their checksum is verified after download. That would nicely parellize with the next file being downloaded. This could be implemented also using concurrent-output, but it would then have to drive the display even when -J is not used. I'm not yet sure enough about it to use it by default. """]]