ATM I am experiencing sporadic failures of the batched git annex addurl call -- seems to report failure (success: False) once in a while, but succeeds on a retry: [[!format sh """ (Pdb) p url '' (Pdb) p out_json {u'note': u'from datalad', u'command': u'addurl', u'file': u'ds000001_R1.1.0/uncompressed/sub016/BOLD/task001_run003/QA/QA_report.pdf', u'success': False} (Pdb) up > /home/yoh/proj/datalad/datalad/datalad/support/ -> return func(self, file_new, *args, **kwargs) (Pdb) func(self, file_new, *args, **kwargs) {u'note': u'from datalad', u'file': u'ds000001_R1.1.0/uncompressed/sub016/BOLD/task001_run003/QA/QA_report.pdf', u'command': u'addurl', u'key': u'MD5E-s1191419--cb4efab8104b5117f64b58ee6d6a79ba.pdf', u'success': True} """]] besides me blindly trying to re-run it e.g. 3 times and only then declare total failure, I wondered if json output could provide more information (if any known) about the failure... e.g. if a custom remote crashed/errorred (I guess the case here due to "from datalad") -- what was stderr/exit code for that process if crashed/ERROR msg... if wget -- what was stderr there [[!meta name=yoh]] > Switched to curl with -sS in --json mode. [[done]] I suppose. --[[Joey]]