[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 1""" date="2017-01-31T15:36:58Z" content=""" You need to provide at least a version number, and ideally enough information to reproduce the bug when filing bug reports. Anyhow, I ran git-annex (HEAD) unused in my big repo, and its memory use got up to over 1 gb which is much more than I would expect (should be a couple hundred mb max). The memory growth happens in the stage when it's constructing the bloom filter for the keys in the diff between the index and other branches. In my big repo, those diffs are quite large; eg I have a branch with 70k files and another with 0 files. I replaced insertMB with noop, so the bloom filters are not really populated, and it still uses as much memory. So the memory is not being leaked by the bloom filters themselves, but is instead being leaked when processing the branch diffs, or something like that. Need to profile to find what's leaking. """]]