[[!comment format=mdwn username="yarikoptic" avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/f11e9c84cb18d26a1748c33b48c924b4" subject="comment 9" date="2017-12-05T18:51:49Z" content=""" rereading my previous comment (it has been awhile), I was suggesting a super-dooper-feature. I am not sure if it is still needed/desired since upon a quick try again, info seems to be indeed relatively speedy when ran on \"hot\" (e.g. 2nd time in a row; not sure how long the effect lasts ;)). The idea was -- to cache \"status\" information locally so subsequent invocations (if git-annex branch didn't change) could just pick it up from the cache if nothing has changed in terms of the git-annex branch and current branch position. E.g. if I am at a commit ABC and at git-annex branch state XYZ, why not to have .git/annex/caches/info/XYZ-ABC.json which would pretty much have output of `git annex info --json` which it could reuse, without ANY traversal of git-annex branch or local files tree, on a subsequent call if still in XYZ state and that commit. Whenever git-annex branch progresses away from XYZ, all previous ones in the cache could be let RiP. """]]