[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://me.yahoo.com/a/EbvxpTI_xP9Aod7Mg4cwGhgjrCrdM5s-#7c0f4" subject="another side-effect of largefiles not being supported for my usecase" date="2016-01-12T17:20:08Z" content=""" since there is no support for largefiles in addurl, is there ANY way to get idea either annex would have added a file to git or to annex if I do know the filename and its size? pretty much a use-case is downloading/adding (small) .txt files to git, while the rest to annex in --fast (or --relaxed) mode. If there is no way to query annex'es opinion given necessary information, I would have no ability to decide on my end without duplicating largefiles checking logic. """]]