[[!comment format=mdwn username="grawity@2ea26be48562f66fcb9b66307da72b1e2e37453f" nickname="grawity" subject="comment 2" date="2016-03-01T07:10:55Z" content=""" Thanks, but you missed my point entirely... I wasn't asking for a mode that would delete data without checking. I was asking for the complete opposite – a mode that would _inject an extra copy_ of the data without checking. Yeah, I guess I could `annex add` the files, then un-annex them, and _then_ `annex import --clean-duplicates`, but that's a somewhat long-winded approach, needing twice the space and twice the time. (...speaking of losing data, it seems that `git annex reinject` is perfectly happy to delete files if I accidentally give it the wrong target. I.e. after failing content verification, it still throws away the source.) --- It doesn't have to be part of git-annex; I could _script_ this feature myself, though there aren't nearly enough plumbing commands either. (For example, a command to hash a file and give its key (like `git hash-object`), or a command to find all paths for a key.) Having an equivalent of `git hash-object -w` (inject an arbitrary object) would make it even easier, but I couldn't find anything like that either. --- Anyway, let's cancel this todo, I'll find other ways. """]]