[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 3""" date="2015-04-06T17:04:34Z" content=""" I somehow completely misread what you wanted! Thanks, it makes sense now. I anticipate there would be one problem with this mode; `git annex fsck --from remote` would fail because it would be unable to decrypt the encrypted content when run on the client that is only able to encrypt to the public key, but lacks the necessary private key to decrypt. (So would `git annex move --to remote; git annex get --from remote`, but presumably that failure is the point of the mode..) It would be fairly easy to add this, I think. There is already support for configuring the MAC algorithm to use to encrypt filenames. Your mode seems to just need a "clear" mode that doesn't encrypt filenames at all. It does add complication to crypto paths, and potential for user foot-shooting though. I'm going to move this feature request from bugs/ to todo/ """]]