[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 1""" date="2016-09-05T16:17:22Z" content=""" Well, calckey's behavior is influenced by the annex.backends setting, so it might behave differently when run in a different git repo, or outside any git repo. In fact, `git annex calckey` currently can be run in a git repo that is not a git-annex repo; it does not check if the repo is initialized for git-annex (which many commands do). The failure about "Not in a git repository." comes when it tries to run code in the Annex monad, which requires a git repository. To support being run without being in a git repo at all would really need an entirely separate code path to be implemented, not using the Annex monad, and so necessarily not looking at git configs. It's doable, but it would be a lot of work; I'd need some convincing motivation to add a lot of code to accomplish that. """]]