[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 1""" date="2016-10-17T20:05:51Z" content=""" The filename **sanitization** is needed for security reasons. A bittorrent file could contain `../` and similar evil which should not be allowed to be written to disk as-is. Or control characters which could cause an exploit via terminal key remapping. Or filenames starting with dashes to make an unguarded `rm *` end up expanding to `rm -rf something`. I'd not be surprised if whatever bittorrent program you used to download that does some filename sanitization too. Opinions on safe sanitization will vary, so it's not practical to expect git-annex and multiple bittorrent programs to behave identically. ---- It would be possible to make `addurl --file` usable with a multi-file torrent. Something like: git annex addurl http://example.com/foo.torrent --file bar.mkv That url contains multiple files; pick the one that corresponds to local file "bar.mkv", and pass it in the --subfile option bar.sub bar.mkv README.txt Eg: git annex addurl 'http://example.com/foo.torrent' --file 'bar.mkv' --subfile 'bar.mkv' Of course this could be skipped if the torrent only contains one file with the same size and name as the `--file` file. I don't know if such an interface would be too annoying to be worth using in your use case or not? """]]