[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 1""" date="2017-02-07T16:39:59Z" content=""" Such an env var could easily be supported. It's desirable to mostly keep the mantainace of the git-annex branch out of the user's view, because it's a complication that should not need to worry about. Keeping it in an env var does avoid complicating the discoverable interface with some parameter to specifiy the commit message. Another way would be to make the commit message configurable in git config. Then it could be overridden with -c. Seems like the user of this feature is likely going to also use annex.alwayscommit=false sometimes in order to construct git-annex branch commits that bundle up several changes. Anyway, I'm curious what kind of use cases make using custom commit messages for the git-annex branch makes sense. I doubt that typical git workflows with cherry-picking patches, patch review, etc, work with that branch. """]]