[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 1""" date="2017-01-31T16:55:27Z" content=""" git repositories don't contain parity files for their data. Instead, git relies on multiple copies of the repository to keep things safe. Not as efficient as parity files, but a lot easier, and protects against many more disasters than do parity files. git-annex takes the same approach. Lots Of Copies Keeps Stuff Safe. Even if git-annex started generating parity files for its objects, the git repository would still not have them, so bit flips could still corrupt your git-annex repository. Nothing stops you from writing git hooks that maintain parity files alongside all the files in a git repository. If you do that, you'll get parity files for the git-annex files too. But I don't see this being needed in git-annex itself and AFAICS there are plenty of hooks in git and git-annex to allow doing that. """]]