[[!comment format=mdwn username="jason.dixon.email@aa0e536a2ec2877d6f666108dbbc6e39bbe87ac0" nickname="jason.dixon.email" avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/fbe9050fc83bbd536d307d87ea14d4bc" subject="Still seems useful" date="2017-03-07T10:19:41Z" content=""" I dunno. I get your point. However I can also see this being a really useful feature. I can imagine it being implemented simply with a warning / note mentioning disconnected repos might overflow the limit (and perhaps a buffer should be left ie: limit = 15gb, allocate = 13gb). It would be up to the user to figure out what is right for them. I'm sure plenty of people either using the remote alone, in a small team, or with linked up repos (github/gitlab/whatever) would appreciate this option. I know I came to this page looking to see if it was possible already. :) Thanks too for the hard work! Amazing software! """]]