[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://joeyh.name/" ip="" subject="comment 3" date="2014-07-15T18:23:50Z" content=""" Making `git annex sync` automatically sync with remotes with no annex-uuid is more complicated than I first thought. In the case of a remote accessed over ssh, `git annex sync` already does sync with such a remote. Of course, it will set annex-ignore on it, since it has no annex-uuid. (Needed eg, for github, or just for preventing a repo from being used by git-annex if you don't want it to be.) Still, the git branches get synced, which is the behavior that we want. So, only local remotes are affected. Note that `git annex assistant` automatically git-annex inits the local remote when it lacks a uuid, and syncs with it. That seems ok. However `git annex sync` currently ignores the local remote when it has no uuid. Seems that this happens due to a bug, not intentionally. tryGitConfigRead tries to bootstrap up an annex state to read the repos's config, but this cannot be done in a repo that is not yet initialized. Result is the repo state is not read, and so it's treated as a local remote that is not currently available (ie, a disconnected disk). """]]