[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://id.koumbit.net/anarcat" ip="" subject="confusing..." date="2014-05-14T05:04:01Z" content=""" this is still really confusing. having to create the repo by hand is a really confusing step - i have setup an external drive to have my files with me as i move around, having to go through hoops to find them in a bare repository seems contrary to the spirit of \"future proofing\" inherent to git annex. the solution i found was to `git init` the repo on the removable drive before adding it through the webapp. i hope this can eventually be fixed, as it led to confusion among many other users (e.g. [[forum/Accessing_files_in_bare_repository/]], [[bugs/Adding a repository as a \"remote server\" creates a bare repository next to the existing one/]], [[forum/remote server client repositories are bare!?/]] and so on). --[[anarcat]] """]]