[[!comment format=mdwn username="jason.dixon.email@aa0e536a2ec2877d6f666108dbbc6e39bbe87ac0" nickname="jason.dixon.email" avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/fbe9050fc83bbd536d307d87ea14d4bc" subject="Same issue with rclone on windows." date="2017-03-08T08:55:48Z" content=""" Using linux it works perfectly. Really great. But on windows no such luck. Trying many things to get it to function and no success. Given the thinness of the bash wrapper that binds rclone to annex, and rclones inherent cross platform nature. It would be awesome to have this remote as a first class citizen. Similar to amazon glacier requiring glacier-cli. Simply requiring rclone to open up so many backends is a very light dependency. :) """]]