[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 4""" date="2016-09-21T20:16:44Z" content=""" If an update hook rejects a push, then `git annex sync` will just note that it was unable to push. It will sync in only one direction until the problem that prevents pushing gets resolved. It might try pushing to a different branch name than usual to get around some other problems that cause pushes to fail so be sure to have the update hook check pushes to all branches (except for the git-annex branch)). I don't know why you'd want to filter such a commit out of the git history. You could just fix it by renaming the problem file and make a commit on top of the problem commit. Just make the update hook only look at the diff between the old version of the branch and the new version, so it won't be tripped up by intermediate commits that violate its rules. (I know that Ubuntu uses encfs or something like that by default, but surely they have not removed the Debian installer's support for full disk encryption?) """]]