[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawmkBwMWvNKZZCge_YqobCSILPMeK6xbFw8" nickname="develop" subject="comment 6" date="2013-08-25T08:39:15Z" content=""" I just did a cursory search on haskell torrent support. And the required pieces do seem to be be there. https://github.com/jlouis/combinatorrent or https://github.com/astro/haskell-torrent for downloading. i'm not sure if either supports DHT, but that exists here https://github.com/aninhumer/haskell-dht That said, i think implementing this would require some quite major overhauls in the system. It probably won't be trivial to implement. Note: This is for straight \"bittorrent\", not for \"bittorrent sync\". Bittorrent sync is closed source, and while an API might come at some point, it doesn't currently exist. I do seem to recall joeyh talking about supporting further transport protocols(perhaps through hooks). So I'm adding the above links for future reference if this does get implemented. But IMHO, this doesn't seem like a trivial feature to add. It might have to take some refactoring of some core git-annex parts. Certain things have to be changed quite a bit. Currently a git-annex client doesn't really require anything(except rsync) to sync from a remote. With bittorrent with DHT support to share between clients, suddenly git-annex will have to maintain a constant bittorrent thread(maybe multiple) that constantly seeds all the files in the git-annex repository, while waiting for a potential remote to request data. So even if this happens, it is probably gonna take some time. Just my 2cents. """]]