[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawnRaueN1AcM8pIMofH5-wQ1Kr4T0GBe8sA" nickname="wayne" subject="git-annex with gitolite-rc" date="2013-10-19T17:03:32Z" content=""" @François The proper array in .gitolite.rc seems to be the \"ENABLE\" array, which it appears is parsed into the COMMANDS array in src/lib/Gitolite/Rc.pm @Khaije Using 'git-annex-shell' => 'ua' doesn't seem to work for me. The program still fails in src/gitolite-shell around line 163 (gitolite repo version b1d3c05): _die \"suspicious characters loitering about '$soc'\" if $rc{COMMANDS}{ words[0] } ne 'ua' and $soc !~ $REMOTE_COMMAND_PATT; When I insert $rc{COMMANDS}{ words[0] } into the _die message, it shows up as \"1\" instead of \"ua\" as I was expecting. When I manually set $rc{COMMANDS}{ words[0] } to 'ua' slightly earlier in the script, the git-annex-shell command gets run but it seems to fail to parse the result of the configlist command properly because then I get Failed to get annex.uuid configuration of repository origin Instead, got: \"annex.uuid=\ncore.gcrypt=\n\" I am actually about to give up on the notion of using git-annex and gitolite together. Maybe. I am interested to know if anyone else is having similar problems. """]]