[Box.com](http://box.com/) is a file storage service, currently notable for providing 50 gb of free storage if you sign up with its Android client. (Or a few GB free otherwise.) With a little setup, git-annex can use Box as a [[special remote|special_remotes]]. ## davfs2 setup * First, install the [davfs2](http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/davfs2) program, which can mount Box using WebDAV. On Debian, just `sudo apt-get install davfs2` * Allow users to mount davfs filesystems, by ensuring that `/sbin/mount.davfs` is setuid root. On Debian, just `sudo dpkg-reconfigure davfs2` * Add yourself to the davfs2 group. sudo adduser $(whoami) davfs2 * Edit `/etc/fstab`, and add a line to mount Box using davfs. sudo mkdir -p /media/box.com echo "https://www.box.com/dav/ /media/box.com davfs noauto,user 0 0" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab * Create `~/.davfs2/davfs2.conf`: mkdir ~/.davfs2/ echo use_locks 0 >> ~/.davfs2/davfs2.conf echo delay_upload 0 >> ~/.davfs2/davfs2.conf * Create `~/.davfs2/secrets`. This file contains your Box.com login and password. Your login is probably the email address you signed up with. echo "/media/box.com joey@kitenet.net mypassword" > ~/.davfs2/secrets chmod 600 ~/.davfs2/secrets * Now you should be able to mount Box, as a non-root user: mount /media/box.com ## git-annex setup You need git-annex version 3.20120303 or newer, which adds support for chunking files larger than Box's 100 mb limit. Create the special remote, in your git-annex repository. ** This example is non-encrypted; fill in your gpg key ID for a securely encrypted special remote! ** git annex initremote box.com type=directory directory=/media/box.com chunksize=100mb encryption=none Now git-annex can copy files to box.com, get files from it, etc, just like with any other special remote. % git annex copy bigfile --to box.com bigfile (to box.com...) ok % git annex drop bigfile bigfile (checking box.com...) ok % git annex get bigfile bigfile (from box.com...) ok