[[!comment format=mdwn username="james@2468840dc8f314e837e1fde99a5fb1b884fa993a" nickname="james" subject="enable s3 remote on clone" date="2015-07-03T14:46:49Z" content=""" Hi, I am trying to enable access to my s3 area from a clone. I am running into this issue: ~~~ $ git annex enableremote mys3 enableremote mys3 (encryption update) (hybrid cipher with gpg key EA1CF14BD8467AFB) (gpg) gpg: decryption failed: secret key not available git-annex: user error (gpg [\"--batch\",\"--no-tty\",\"--use-agent\",\"--quiet\",\"--trust-model\",\"always\",\"--decrypt\"] exited 2) failed git-annex: enableremote: 1 failed ~~~ My gpg key is available : ~~~ $ gpg -K EA1CF14BD8467AFB sec 4096R/D8467AFB 2010-10-25 uid James Richardson (email) uid James Richardson uid [ revoked] James Richardson (list) uid [ revoked] James Richardson (James Richardson) ssb 4096R/F90CF7F0 2010-10-25 ssb 4096R/005D609B 2010-10-26 ~~~ I would expect this to pop up a dialog asking me for my passphrase, as it will when I run the gpg command from a term. Any ideas? """]]