[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://grossmeier.net/" nickname="greg" subject="comment 4" date="2014-02-20T22:04:58Z" content=""" Along with stupid python problems which are now fixed (all my fault, and hopefully didn't cause more noise here than needed), the only thing that didn't go as stated was: [[!format sh \"\"\" greg@x200s:~/Photos$ git-annex enableremote glacier enableremote glacier Set both AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to use glacier git-annex: Failed creating glacier vault. greg@x200s:~/Photos$ AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=lolno AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=lolno git-annex enableremote glacier enableremote glacier ok (Recording state in git...) greg@x200s:~/Photos$ \"\"\"]] The guide says that info is sync'd. """]]