[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 1""" date="2017-05-11T16:28:32Z" content=""" This is a simple way to split a repository, but the resulting split git repository will be larger than is really necessary. When you `dropunused` all the hard links that are not present in the repository, git-annex will commit a log to the git-annex branch saying "I don't have this content" for each of them. That seems unnecessary since it probably does not have an earlier log saying it contained the content that was hard linked into it, and perhaps could be improved in git-annex to not record that unncessarily, but that's what it does currently. So I suggest running `git annex forget` after the dropunused or at some later point. That will delete all traces of those log files from the git-annex branch. """]]