[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawmLdL4zLty4fsfaIXNtPMS5RXs4y8OAk0o" nickname="Marc" subject="Disappearing files" date="2013-12-08T12:16:37Z" content=""" I've tried this with version 5.20131130, but my files disappear if I modify them on the remote end. My setup: - A local repository, direct mode, client group, annex.largefiles \"exclude=*.txt\" - A remote one, also direct mode, backup group, annex.largefiles \"exclude=*.txt\" Both are running the assistant. If I create a .txt file locally, it gets committed and pushed to the remote as described. But, if I then modify that file on the remote end, the file gets deleted from both repositories. Also, if I create a file on the remote end, it's pushed to the local one (according to the log) but it never appears in the directory. Changing the remote from 'backup' to 'client' group doesn't seem to make any difference. Is there a 'best practice' on using git-annex like SparkleShare? I mean, syncing changes on all repositories but keeping a history of changes in git. Thanks! """]]