[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://launchpad.net/~stephane-gourichon-lpad" nickname="stephane-gourichon-lpad" avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/02d4a0af59175f9123720b4481d55a769ba954e20f6dd9b2792217d9fa0c6089" subject="Isn't this procedure assuming that lost+found contains only uncorrupted previously annexed files?" date="2017-03-14T19:15:40Z" content=""" git annex add recovered-content lost+found does not contain only annexed file, right? It may contain any kind of file not originally annexed. Examples: * a file that was imported in the regular git part of the git annex repository * a corrupted variant of an annexed file * a git pack, a git index or any git administrative file * a file totally unrelated that happened to be on the same filesystem. In all these cases, this command will result in new additions to the annex. This is not what a recovery should do, is it? Shouldn't that become rather something like: git annex reinject --known """]]