[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawl64jV2rE8GMogJ6XuqESSkz78RVBgVdGw" nickname="Mesut" subject="I can't add google drive as remote" date="2014-04-10T07:55:56Z" content=""" Hi, I am new to git-annex and I want to use google drive as remote but I can't. I create syslink to `googledriveannex` in `/usr/local/bin`. When I execute below command, command waiting but not make anything: `$ git annex initremote googledrive type=external externaltype=googledrive encryption=shared folder=gitannex` `initremote googledrive (encryption setup)` # Waiting but does not do anything. What I am doing wrong? Thanks for helps """]]