[[!comment format=mdwn username="emanuele.olivetti@47d88ed185b03191e25329caa6fabc2efb3118b2" nickname="emanuele.olivetti" subject="googledriveannex fails: No handlers could be found for logger "oauth2client.util"" date="2016-07-14T14:58:29Z" content=""" Following the instructions above, when issuing: git annex initremote googledrive type=external externaltype=googledrive encryption=shared folder=gitannex googleannexdrive fails and I get: initremote googledrive (encryption setup) (encryption key stored in git repository) No handlers could be found for logger \"oauth2client.util\" git-annex: You need to set OAUTH environment variables and folder and encryption parameters when running initremote. Am I making some obvious mistake? If not, I'd like to share my positive experience with git-annex-remote-rclone (), which wraps rclone () that supports Google Drive: it worked for me. """]]