[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 2""" date="2016-09-21T19:28:36Z" content=""" git-annex will probe to detect if the filesystem does not support FIFOs and disables `annex.sshcaching` in that case. It's done so since 2013. So I would be surprised if NFS had any problems with annex.sshcaching. `git config annex.pidlock true` will make git-annex avoid FCNTL locking, and so work on filesystems that don't support that. It should also avoid the ".nfs" files. It's not enabled by default on NFS because I don't currently have a good way to probe if a given directory is on NFS. Also, annex.pidlock makes git-annex significantly slower and less safe. But if you're using NFS, speed and safety must have already been de-prioritized. Seriously, my main advice for using git-annex on NFS is: Don't. Make local clones of repositories and use git-annex to distribute the files around. Unless your institution forces you to use a networked filesystem to access gobs of disk space, and you need to have more files present in a repository than will fit locally. """]]