[[!comment format=mdwn username="fiatjaf" subject="related work" date="2016-10-11T13:35:07Z" content=""" Just find some related / complimentary work for this. It is a bunch of ranger functions that wrap git-annex commands inside ranger: ``` :annex_add → git annex add + git commit -a :annex_get → git annex get :annex_drop → git annex drop :annex_copy → git annex copy --to= :annex_sync → git annex sync --fast --quiet ``` The code is at [https://github.com/matze/ranger-annex](https://github.com/matze/ranger-annex) More information on [this blog post](https://bloerg.net/2014/04/28/writing-a-git-annex-plugin-for-ranger.html). """]]