[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawkbpbjP5j8MqWt_K4NASwv0WvB8T4rQ-pM" nickname="Fabrice" subject="Is there a way to specify a preferred pgp key?" date="2013-11-01T18:57:38Z" content=""" Hi, I think the current behavior of the special remote is a bit annoying when one has several pgp keys. Indeed, I've followed the encrypted backup drive example specifying the id of a dedicated key in the initremote step, so far so good. Doing that, I was prompted for my key phrase by the gnome keyring daemon, as expected. The annoying part starts right at the git annex sync step. Indeed, when git-remote-gcrypt tries to decrypt the manifest from the encrypted remote, rather than trying only the key specified during the initremote step, it tries all my (secret) keys. This means that I get prompted for the key phrase of all those keys (minus the correct one which is already unlocked...). In the future, this might possible to avoid by allowing gcrypt to fetch a preferred key from git config and to use with the --try-secret-key option available gnupg 2.1.x. But for 1.x or 2.0.x, the simpler option --default-key does not seem to alter the order in which keys are tried to decrypt the manifest. Also, it does not seem to be a problem of the gnome keyring daemon, but rather a gpg problem as when the daemon is replaced by the standard gpg-agent, the same problem occurs. Meanwhile, is there any way to avoid this problem? """]]