[[!comment format=mdwn username="spam@9590d16798fd27f4e38472862e296fc9828e3d39" nickname="spam" avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/838ad52bf6bddd532ff179811be47f52" subject="remote "origin" missing some gcrypt commands?" date="2017-11-11T19:51:56Z" content=""" I just discovered that cloning over ssh an gcrypt encrypted repository and enabling the remote afterwards is somehow messing up the git config: git clone grypt::ssh://user@ip.com:/mnt/encrypted_backup cd encrypted_backup git annex enableremote encrypted_backup gitrepo=/.../encrypted_backup leads to following in the .git/config of the just cloned repository: ... [remote \"origin\"] url = grypt::ssh://user@ip.com:/mnt/encrypted_backup gcrypt-id = :id:12312312 fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* [remote \"encrypted_backup\"] url = grypt::ssh://user@ip.com:/mnt/encrypted_backup fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/server/* gcrypt-participants = keyid gcrypt-signingkey = keyid gcrypt-publish-participants = true gcrypt-id = :id:adsasd annex-gcrypt = shell annex-uuid = 312312312 ... Note, that for the remote \"origin\" some config like the signingkey is missing compared to the remote \"encrypted_backup\" Then, running git annex sync --content leads to a error saying \"gcrypt: Failed to decrypt manifest!\" during the push process. After that I am not able to sync the repository anymore, even with the original repostitory, which initiated the remote. The encrypted_backup is then somehow messed up. Removing the \"origin\" remote via git remote remove origin solves the problem for me. But that command has to be launched right before the first sync, pull or push command! Otherwise the sync process cannot be done anymore. """]]