[[!comment format=mdwn username="jonas@1491caea7d71fcf350b6f200807141f1b59857b8" nickname="jonas" subject="gcrypt and map" date="2015-10-27T10:14:17Z" content=""" I'm having a problem generating a proper annex map where one of the remotes is gcrypt. Specifically, the map command fails as per below. I will concede that it's not clear though if the failure is that of encryptedown, or the third and final remote dsown, which is an rsync one. jonas@silk:~/own$ git annex map map /home/jonas/own ok map encryptedown failed jonas@silk:~/own$ git annex info encryptedown remote: encryptedown description: VM / Montreal / gcrypt [encryptedown] uuid: 51ee1422-67d5-56f5-83f3-2718c9996080 cost: 250.0 type: gcrypt repository location: ssh:// encryption: encrypted (to gpg keys: 0C5161298A31D11A) (hybrid mode) chunking: none jonas@silk:~/own$ git annex info dsown remote: dsown description: DiskStation NAS / Asgatan / rsync [dsown] uuid: ef3b81aa-47bd-41b4-8672-e371742306cf cost: 250.0 type: rsync url: diskstation:/volume1/silkbackup/ encryption: encrypted (encryption key stored in git repository) chunking: none """]]