[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawlY4LE-xEyztjJeXSot7JIGGFWgBfabgwc" nickname="Peter" subject="GPG Key specification" date="2013-12-09T13:32:51Z" content=""" Hi there, I try to follow the instructions provided here but I don't manage it to get my repo encrypted. Here are the steps: 1) git init --bare Encrypted 2) git-annex init 3) git annex initremote encryptedbackup type=gcrypt gitrepo=~/tmp/Encrypted encryption=pubkey keyid=DXXXX The last step takes a lof of time to run. Basically my key doesn't get used at all: # ps -ax | grep gpg 4743 pts/4 SL+ 0:00 gpg --quiet --trust-model always --gen-random --armor 2 256 4753 pts/0 S+ 0:00 grep gpg ... instead a new pgp key is generated. How comes??! Any help would be appreciated. Thx and cheers, cyneox """]]