[[!comment format=mdwn username="tanen" ip="" subject="comment 10" date="2013-11-04T17:58:36Z" content=""" > \"We could symetrically encrypt the repository with a keyfile that's stored in the repository itself\" > Then you would need to decrypt the repository in order get the key you need to decrypt the repository. The impossibility of this design is why I didn't do that! Sorry, I ment that the file containing the symmetric encryption key should obviously not be used to encrypt itself, it would be stored in the repository \"unencrypted\" (but protected with a passphrase) > store a non-encrypted gpg key alongside the repsitory encrypted with it, but then you have to rely on a passphrase for all your security. Exactly. I think such a mode be a great addition. It might not be as secure as encryption based on a private key - depending on the passphrase strength -, but it would certainly be a lot more convenient and portable (and still much more secure than the shared encryption method). """]]