[[!comment format=mdwn username="ewen" subject="itempubdate" date="2015-01-03T22:01:37Z" content=""" Using a `--template='${feedtitle}/${itempubdate}-${itemtitle}${extension}'` with a libsyn RSS feed (eg, [Poly Weekly](http://polyweekly.libsyn.com/rss)), I found that `itempubdate` was expanding to \"none\", even though there is a date with each entry in the RSS, eg, Fri, 26 Dec 2014 15:25:38 +0000 Maybe the date string cannot be parsed? But it does look like a fairly typical datestamp to me. If the cause is the mixed-case in the tag, could `pubDate` be supported in addition to `pubdate`? (AFAICT [`pubDate` is the standardised mix of lower/upper case](http://validator.w3.org/feed/docs/rss2.html), but maybe not the most common, in which case supporting both `pubDate` and `pubdate` might help?) As seen with `git-annex version: 5.20141024~bpo70+1`, installed from Debian Backports; AFAICT it's still the latest release to make it to backports. For now I'm just omitting \"itempubdate\" from my template. Ewen """]]