[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawkC0W3ZQERUaTkHoks6k68Tsp1tz510nGo" nickname="Georg" subject="sync, push, pull with/to/from centralized bare repository" date="2013-10-07T06:45:19Z" content=""" Hi Joey, thanks for tutorial with the centralized repo. I am currently trying to set up a central bare repo for two clients (they cannot communicate directly with each other). I am not sure if I am pushing/pulling the right way. On the server I did: git init --bare git annex init origin On Cĺient Alice (I want to give Bob a chance get call \"git annex get\" from \"origin\"): git clone ssh://tktest@ . git annex init Alice git annex merge git annex add . git commit -a -m \"Added tutorial\" git push origin master git-annex git annex copy . --to origin On Client Bob I have called \"clone, init, merge, add, push, copy\" also. Now the tricky part - do I have to call \"git annex sync\" at Alice's side to get the updates from Bob over origin? I ran into troubles if I called \"copy --to origin\" before \"git push origin master git-annex\". How can I resolve a non-fast-forware on the git-annex branch? Some notes about how to sync over a central bare repo would be nice here =) Thanks a lot, Georg """]]