[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawnXlmnJKsPulm2S_hwwRm3Ky27Zyf-wKMw" nickname="Chad" subject="Pulling *.flac files as well... too much data" date="2013-12-31T19:26:36Z" content=""" I've tried setting up my own phone in a similar manner. Unfortunately for me, I store my `*.flac` files in the same location as my `*.mp3` files. For obvious reasons, I do not want to copy these up to my phone. This, however, is not working for me. content PHONEUID = ((exclude=*/archive/* and exclude=archive/*) or (not (copies=archive:1 or copies=smallarchive:1))) and (include=keepass/* or include=Books/* or present) and (include=Music/* and exclude=Music/*.flac and exclude=Music/*/*.flac) I still get `*.flac` files in the repo. """]]