[[!comment format=mdwn username="CandyAngel" subject="comment 5" date="2016-02-02T10:08:06Z" content=""" Splitting the index (git update-index --split-index) doesn't work for me at all. While it may initially reduce the size of .git/index, making a commit inflates it back to its original size anyway. I thought it might be some interaction with v4 index and its compression mechanics but it does the same if I set it to v3 index. For (manufactured) example: $ git update-index --split-index $ du -sh .git/*index* 4.0K .git/index 76M .git/sharedindex.70e661456302b51a7ec59bf5b32d630e74b34c7c ... add 8000 files ... $ git commit -m \"add files\" $ du -sh .git/*index* 80M .git/index 76M .git/sharedindex.70e661456302b51a7ec59bf5b32d630e74b34c7c """]]