[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawlcfH7xkyz1kyG_neK4GcFFfFWuIY7l_6A" nickname="Primiano" subject="large scale rewrite tips" date="2015-01-06T22:55:20Z" content=""" I recently had the need of re-kind-of-annexing an unusually large repo (one of the largest?). With some tricks and the right code I managed to get it down to 170000 commits in 19 minutes and extracing ~8GB of blobs. Attaching the link here as I feel it might be helpful for very large projects (where git-filter-branch can become prohibitively slow) [https://www.primianotucci.com/blog/large-scale-git-history-rewrites](https://www.primianotucci.com/blog/large-scale-git-history-rewrites) """]]