[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://olivier.mehani.name/" nickname="olivier-mehani" subject="comment 14" date="2014-11-05T22:57:21Z" content=""" I have a similar problem to Maarten's, with some potential differences: * The WebDAV server is actually an ownCloud 7 instance; * The WebDAV server's SSL cert is issued by CAcert (whose root keys are otherwise installed on my system); * The cetificate lists the WebDAV VHost's name as an Subject Alt Name rather than its Common Name. $ WEBDAV_USERNAME=shtrom WEBDAV_PASSWORD=correcthorsebatterystaple git annex initremote owncloud type=webdav url=https://owncloud/remote.php/webdav/annexdav chunk=10mb encryption=none initremote owncloud (testing WebDAV server...) git-annex: WebDAV failed to write file: TlsException (HandshakeFailed (Error_Protocol (\"certificate rejected: [NameMismatch \\"owncloud\\"]\",True,CertificateUnknown))): user error failed git-annex: initremote: 1 failed """]]