This special remote type stores file contents in directory. One use case for this would be if you have a removable drive that you want to use to sneakernet files between systems (possibly with [[encrypted|encryption]] contents). Just set up both systems to use the drive's mountpoint as a directory remote. Note that directory remotes have a special directory structure (by design, the same as the [[rsync|rsync]] remote). If you just want two copies of your repository with the files "visible" in the tree in both, the directory special remote is not what you want. Instead, you should use a regular `git clone` of your git-annex repository. ## configuration These parameters can be passed to `git annex initremote` to configure the remote: * `directory` - The path to the directory where the files should be stored for the remote. The directory must already exist. Typically this will be an empty directory, or a directory already used as a directory remote. * `encryption` - One of "none", "hybrid", "shared", or "pubkey". See [[encryption]]. * `keyid` - Specifies the gpg key to use for [[encryption]]. * `chunk` - Enables [[chunking]] when storing large files. * `chunksize` - Deprecated version of chunk parameter above. Do not use for new remotes. It is not safe to change the chunksize setting of an existing remote. * `exporttree` - Set to "yes" to make this special remote usable by [[git-annex-export]]. It will not be usable as a general-purpose special remote. Setup example: # git annex initremote usbdrive type=directory directory=/media/usbdrive/ encryption=none # git annex describe usbdrive "usb drive on /media/usbdrive/"