Most [[backends]] can transfer data to and from configured git remotes. Normally those remotes are normal git repositories (bare and non-bare), that store the file contents in their own git annex directory. But, git-annex also extends git's concept of remotes, with these special types of remotes. These can be used just like any normal remote by git-annex. They cannot be used by other git commands though. ## Amazon S3 Stores file contents in a bucket in Amazon S3 or a similar service. Example of configuring such a remote: git config remote.mys3.annex-s3-bucket myannex export ANNEX_S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID="08TJMT99S3511WOZEP91" export ANNEX_S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="s3kr1t" That creates a remote named "mys3" using the bucket named "myannex", which will be created if it doesn't already exist. Here is the full set of configurable settings for Amazon S3. Each setting can be configured on a per-remote basis in git-config, or globally in an environment variable. * `remote.$name.annex-s3-access-key-id` `ANNEX_S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID` Your S3 Access Key ID. Does not need to be kept private. * `remote.$name.annex-s3-secret-access-key` `ANNEX_S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY` Your S3 Secret Access Key. This is a password. Usually stored in the environment variable to avoid it being exposed. * `remote.$name.annex-s3-host` `ANNEX_S3_HOST` Host to connect to. Default is * `remote.$name.annex-s3-port` `ANNEX_S3_PORT` Port to connect to. Default is 80. * `remote.$name.annex-s3-datacenter` `ANNEX_S3_DATACENTER` Name of the datacenter to use when creating a new bucket. Default is "US"; other valid values include "EU", "us-west-1", and "ap-southeast-1". * `remote.$name.annex-s3-storageclass` `ANNEX_S3_STORAGECLASS` Name of storage class to use when adding new content to the bucket. Default is "STANDARD". If you have configured git-annex to preserve multiple [[copies]], consider setting this to "REDUCED_REDUNDANCY" to save money.