[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://edheil.wordpress.com/" ip="" subject="comment 4" date="2012-12-07T20:24:18Z" content=""" Built a new copy of git-annex yesterday. I have a \"client\" on my macbook, and two \"backup\"s, one on an external HD, one on an ssh git remote. git annex get --auto works beautifully! It doesn't seem to work for copying content *to* a place where it's needed, though. If I drop a file from my \"backup\" USB drive, and then go back to my macbook and do a \"git annex sync\" and \"git annex copy --to=usbdrive --auto\" it does not send the file out to the USB drive, even though by preferred content settings, the USB drive should \"want\" the file because it's a backup drive and it wants all content. Similarly, if I add a new file on my macbook and then do a \"git annex copy --to=usbdrive auto\" it does not get copied to the USB drive. Is this missing functionality, or should the preferred content setting for remotes only affect the assistant? """]]