[[!comment format=mdwn username="shodanshok@8c8405b6944c211be7dec8ae8fccde70adc19027" nickname="shodanshok" avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/8b4dd6a9f2396b788ca18f3690609ad3" subject="Can git-annex be used to quasi-realtime replication?" date="2017-01-16T17:41:07Z" content=""" Suppose I have two Samba fileservers in two different locations. Can I use git-annex in thin mode + git-annex assistant to automatically synchronize these two fileserver? Specifically, I am trying to understand if: 1) git-annex preserve owner/group ID and POSIX ACLs; 2) it can efficiently manage very large number of file/directory (500K+ files) 3) it can be used alongside inotify to efficiently transfer only changed files One last thing: I which sense git-annex is not like Unison? It seems it can be configured to have very similar functionality. I am missing something? Thank you all. """]]