[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawm7AuSfii_tCkLyspL6Mr0ATlO6OxLNYOo" nickname="Georg" subject="yesod update didn't help" date="2013-01-06T20:32:07Z" content=""" cabal install yesod didn't work, needed --force-reinstalls, then went through - but still the same error then on installing git-annex. Since afterwards my cabal stuff seemed to be wacky and since you wrote you got the mac app fully working, I just nuked my cabal stuff and used your install. Worked so far, but since I am eager for the direct repo stuff I switched my repo to direct mode. But now I get this on sync and - which is in this case a bit worse, since I can't switch back - indirect: [gb@Flunder Annex (master)]$ annex indirect commit git-annex: unknown response from git cat-file (\"refs/heads/git-annex:199/24d/KJK3OxzAscONhFdYI missing\",refs/heads/git-annex:199/24d/KJK3OxzAscONhFdYI -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- .log) [gb@Flunder Annex (master)]$ annex sync git-annex: unknown response from git cat-file (\"refs/heads/git-annex:199/24d/KJK3OxzAscONhFdYI missing\",refs/heads/git-annex:199/24d/KJK3OxzAscONhFdYI -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- .log) """]]