## Pick your OS [[!table format=dsv header=yes data=""" detailed instructions | quick install [[OSX]] | [download git-annex.app](http://downloads.kitenet.net/git-annex/OSX/current/) [[Android]] | [download git-annex.apk](http://downloads.kitenet.net/git-annex/android/current/) **beta** [[Linux|linux_standalone]] | [download prebuilt linux tarball](http://downloads.kitenet.net/git-annex/linux/) [[Debian]] | `apt-get install git-annex` [[Ubuntu]] | `apt-get install git-annex` [[Fedora]] | `yum install git-annex` [[FreeBSD]] | `pkg_add -r hs-git-annex` [[ArchLinux]] | `yaourt -Sy git-annex` [[NixOS]] | `nix-env -i git-annex` [[Gentoo]] | `emerge git-annex` [[ScientificLinux5]] | (and other RHEL5 clones like CentOS5) [[openSUSE]] | Windows | [[sorry, Windows not supported yet|todo/windows_support]] """]] ## Using cabal As a haskell package, git-annex can be installed using cabal. Start by installing the [Haskell Platform](http://hackage.haskell.org/platform/), and then: cabal install git-annex --bindir=$HOME/bin That installs the latest release. Alternatively, you can [[download]] git-annex yourself and [[manually_build_with_cabal|install/cabal]]. ## Installation from scratch This is not recommended, but if you really want to, see [[fromscratch]].