# NAME git-annex - manage files with git, without checking their contents in # SYNOPSIS git annex command [params ...] # DESCRIPTION git-annex allows managing files with git, without checking the file contents into git. While that may seem paradoxical, it is useful when dealing with files larger than git can currently easily handle, whether due to limitations in memory, checksumming time, or disk space. Even without file content tracking, being able to manage files with git, move files around and delete files with versioned directory trees, and use branches and distributed clones, are all very handy reasons to use git. And annexed files can co-exist in the same git repository with regularly versioned files, which is convenient for maintaining documents, Makefiles, etc that are associated with annexed files but that benefit from full revision control. When a file is annexed, its content is moved into a key-value store, and a symlink is made that points to the content. These symlinks are checked into git and versioned like regular files. You can move them around, delete them, and so on. Pushing to another git repository will make git-annex there aware of the annexed file, and it can be used to retrieve its content from the key-value store. # EXAMPLES # git annex get video/hackity_hack_and_kaxxt.mov get video/_why_hackity_hack_and_kaxxt.mov (not available) I was unable to access these remotes: server Try making some of these repositories available: 5863d8c0-d9a9-11df-adb2-af51e6559a49 -- my home file server 58d84e8a-d9ae-11df-a1aa-ab9aa8c00826 -- portable USB drive ca20064c-dbb5-11df-b2fe-002170d25c55 -- backup SATA drive failed # sudo mount /media/usb # git remote add usbdrive /media/usb # git annex get video/hackity_hack_and_kaxxt.mov get video/hackity_hack_and_kaxxt.mov (from usbdrive...) ok # git annex add iso add iso/Debian_5.0.iso ok # git annex drop iso/Debian_4.0.iso drop iso/Debian_4.0.iso ok # git annex move iso --to=usbdrive move iso/Debian_5.0.iso (moving to usbdrive...) ok # COMMONLY USED COMMANDS Like many git commands, git-annex can be passed a path that is either a file or a directory. In the latter case it acts on all relevant files in the directory. When no path is specified, most git-annex commands default to acting on all relevant files in the current directory (and subdirectories). * add [path ...] Adds files in the path to the annex. Files that are already checked into git, or that git has been configured to ignore will be silently skipped. (Use --force to add ignored files.) Dotfiles are skipped unless explicitly listed. * get [path ...] Makes the content of annexed files available in this repository. This will involve copying them from another repository, or downloading them, or transferring them from some kind of key-value store. Normally git-annex will choose which repository to copy the content from, but you can override this using the --from option. * drop [path ...] Drops the content of annexed files from this repository. git-annex will refuse to drop content if it cannot verify it is safe to do so. This can be overridden with the --force switch. To drop content from a remote, specify --from. * move [path ...] When used with the --from option, moves the content of annexed files from the specified repository to the current one. When used with the --to option, moves the content of annexed files from the current repository to the specified one. * copy [path ...] When used with the --from option, copies the content of annexed files from the specified repository to the current one. When used with the --to option, copies the content of annexed files from the current repository to the specified one. To avoid contacting the remote to check if it has every file, specify --fast * unlock [path ...] Normally, the content of annexed files is protected from being changed. Unlocking a annexed file allows it to be modified. This replaces the symlink for each specified file with a copy of the file's content. You can then modify it and `git annex add` (or `git commit`) to inject it back into the annex. * edit [path ...] This is an alias for the unlock command. May be easier to remember, if you think of this as allowing you to edit an annexed file. * lock [path ...] Use this to undo an unlock command if you don't want to modify the files, or have made modifications you want to discard. * sync [remote ...] Use this command when you want to synchronize the local repository with one or more of its remotes. You can specifiy the remotes to sync with; the default is to sync with all remotes. Or specify --fast to sync with the remotes with the lowest annex-cost value. The sync process involves first committing all local changes (git commit -a), then fetching and merging the `synced/master` and the `git-annex` branch from the remote repositories and finally pushing the changes back to those branches on the remote repositories. You can use standard git commands to do each of those steps by hand, or if you don't want to worry about the details, you can use sync. Merge conflicts are automatically resolved by sync. When two conflicting versions of a file have been committed, both will be added to the tree, under different filenames. For example, file "foo" would be replaced with "foo.somekey" and "foo.otherkey". Note that syncing with a remote will not update the remote's working tree with changes made to the local repository. However, those changes are pushed to the remote, so can be merged into its working tree by running "git annex sync" on the remote. Note that sync does not transfer any file contents from or to the remote repositories. * addurl [url ...] Downloads each url to its own file, which is added to the annex. To avoid immediately downloading the url, specify --fast. To avoid storing the size of the url's content, and accept whatever is there at a future point, specify --relaxed. (Implies --fast.) Normally the filename is based on the full url, so will look like "www.example.com_dir_subdir_bigfile". For a shorter filename, specify --pathdepth=N. For example, --pathdepth=1 will use "dir/subdir/bigfile", while --pathdepth=3 will use "bigfile". It can also be negative; --pathdepth=-2 will use the last two parts of the url. Or, to directly specify what file the url is added to, specify --file. This changes the behavior; now all the specified urls are recorded as alternate locations from which the file can be downloaded. In this mode, addurl can be used both to add new files, or to add urls to existing files. * import [path ...] Moves files from somewhere outside the git working copy, and adds them to the annex. Individual files to import can be specified. If a directory is specified, all files in it are imported, and any subdirectory structure inside it is preserved. git annex import /media/camera/DCIM/ * watch Watches for changes to files in the current directory and its subdirectories, and takes care of automatically adding new files, as well as dealing with deleted, copied, and moved files. With this running as a daemon in the background, you no longer need to manually run git commands when manipulating your files. To not daemonize, run with --foreground ; to stop a running daemon, run with --stop * assistant Like watch, but also automatically syncs changes to other remotes. Typically started at boot, or when you log in. With the --autostart option, the assistant is started in any repositories it has created. These are listed in `~/.config/git-annex/autostart` * webapp Runs a web app, that allows easy setup of a git-annex repository, and control of the git-annex assistant. # REPOSITORY SETUP COMMANDS * init [description] Until a repository (or one of its remotes) has been initialized, git-annex will refuse to operate on it, to avoid accidentially using it in a repository that was not intended to have an annex. It's useful, but not mandatory, to initialize each new clone of a repository with its own description. If you don't provide one, one will be generated. * describe repository description Changes the description of a repository. The repository to describe can be specified by git remote name or by uuid. To change the description of the current repository, use "here". * initremote name [param=value ...] Sets up a special remote. The remote's configuration is specified by the parameters. If a remote with the specified name has already been configured, its configuration is modified by any values specified. In either case, the remote will be added to `.git/config`. Example Amazon S3 remote: initremote mys3 type=S3 encryption=none datacenter=EU * trust [repository ...] Records that a repository is trusted to not unexpectedly lose content. Use with care. To trust the current repository, use "here". * untrust [repository ...] Records that a repository is not trusted and could lose content at any time. * semitrust [repository ...] Returns a repository to the default semi trusted state. * dead [repository ...] Indicates that the repository has been irretrevably lost. (To undo, use semitrust.) * group repository groupname Adds a repository to a group, such as "archival", "enduser", or "transfer". The groupname must be a single word. * ungroup repository groupname Removes a repository from a group. * vicfg Opens EDITOR on a temp file containing most of the above configuration settings, and when it exits, stores any changes made back to the git-annex branch. * direct Switches a repository to use direct mode, where rather than symlinks to files, the files are directly present in the repository. As part of the switch to direct mode, any changed files will be committed. Note that git commands that operate on the work tree are often unsafe to use in direct mode repositories, and can result in data loss or other bad behavior. * indirect Switches a repository back from direct mode to the default, indirect mode. As part of the switch from direct mode, any changed files will be committed. # REPOSITORY MAINTENANCE COMMANDS * fsck [path ...] With no parameters, this command checks the whole annex for consistency, and warns about or fixes any problems found. With parameters, only the specified files are checked. To check a remote to fsck, specify --from. To avoid expensive checksum calculations (and expensive transfers when fscking a remote), specify --fast. To start a new incremental fsck, specify --incremental. Then the next time you fsck, you can specify --more to skip over files that have already been checked, and continue where it left off. The --incremental-schedule option makes a new incremental fsck be started a configurable time after the last incremental fsck was started. Once the current incremental fsck has completely finished, it causes a new one to start. Maybe you'd like to run a fsck for 5 hours at night, picking up each night where it left off. You'd like this to continue until all files have been fscked. And once it's done, you'd like a new fsck pass to start, but no more often than once a month. Then put this in a nightly cron job: git annex fsck --incremental-schedule 30d --time-limit 5h * unused Checks the annex for data that does not correspond to any files present in any tag or branch, and prints a numbered list of the data. To only show unused temp and bad files, specify --fast. To check for annexed data on a remote, specify --from. * dropunused [number|range ...] Drops the data corresponding to the numbers, as listed by the last `git annex unused` You can also specify ranges of numbers, such as "1-1000". To drop the data from a remote, specify --from. * addunused [number|range ...] Adds back files for the content corresponding to the numbers or ranges, as listed by the last `git annex unused`. The files will have names starting with "unused." * merge Automatically merges remote tracking branches */git-annex into the git-annex branch. While git-annex mostly handles keeping the git-annex branch merged automatically, if you find you are unable to push the git-annex branch due non-fast-forward, this will fix it. * fix [path ...] Fixes up symlinks that have become broken to again point to annexed content. This is useful to run if you have been moving the symlinks around, but is done automatically when committing a change with git too. * upgrade Upgrades the repository to current layout. # QUERY COMMANDS * version Shows the version of git-annex, as well as repository version information. * find [path ...] Outputs a list of annexed files in the specified path. With no path, finds files in the current directory and its subdirectories. By default, only lists annexed files whose content is currently present. This can be changed by specifying file matching options. To list all annexed files, present or not, specify --include "*". To list all annexed files whose content is not present, specify --not --in=here To output filenames terminated with nulls, for use with xargs -0, specify --print0. Or, a custom output formatting can be specified using --format. The default output format is the same as --format='${file}\\n' These variables are available for use in formats: file, key, backend, bytesize, humansize * whereis [path ...] Displays a list of repositories known to contain the content of the specified file or files. * log [path ...] Displays the location log for the specified file or files, showing each repository they were added to ("+") and removed from ("-"). To limit how far back to seach for location log changes, the options --since, --after, --until, --before, and --max-count can be specified. They are passed through to git log. For example, --since "1 month ago" To generate output suitable for the gource visualisation program, specify --gource. * status [directory ...] Displays some statistics and other information, including how much data is in the annex and a list of all known repositories. To only show the data that can be gathered quickly, use --fast. When a directory is specified, shows only an abbreviated status display for that directory. In this mode, all of the file matching options can be used to filter the files that will be included in the status. For example, suppose you want to run "git annex get .", but would first like to see how much disk space that will use. Then run: git annex status . --not --in here * map Helps you keep track of your repositories, and the connections between them, by going out and looking at all the ones it can get to, and generating a Graphviz file displaying it all. If the `dot` command is available, it is used to display the file to your screen (using x11 backend). (To disable this display, specify --fast) This command only connects to hosts that the host it's run on can directly connect to. It does not try to tunnel through intermediate hosts. So it might not show all connections between the repositories in the network. Also, if connecting to a host requires a password, you might have to enter it several times as the map is being built. Note that this subcommand can be used to graph any git repository; it is not limited to git-annex repositories. # UTILITY COMMANDS * migrate [path ...] Changes the specified annexed files to use the default key-value backend (or the one specified with --backend). Only files whose content is currently available are migrated. Note that the content is also still available using the old key after migration. Use `git annex unused` to find and remove the old key. Normally, nothing will be done to files already using the new backend. However, if a backend changes the information it uses to construct a key, this can also be used to migrate files to use the new key format. * reinject src dest Moves the src file into the annex as the content of the dest file. This can be useful if you have obtained the content of a file from elsewhere and want to put it in the local annex. Automatically runs fsck on dest to check that the expected content was provided. Example: git annex reinject /tmp/foo.iso foo.iso * unannex [path ...] Use this to undo an accidental `git annex add` command. You can use `git annex unannex` to move content out of the annex at any point, even if you've already committed it. This is not the command you should use if you intentionally annexed a file and don't want its contents any more. In that case you should use `git annex drop` instead, and you can also `git rm` the file. In --fast mode, this command leaves content in the annex, simply making a hard link to it. * uninit Use this to stop using git annex. It will unannex every file in the repository, and remove all of git-annex's other data, leaving you with a git repository plus the previously annexed files. # PLUMBING COMMANDS * pre-commit [path ...] Fixes up symlinks that are staged as part of a commit, to ensure they point to annexed content. Also handles injecting changes to unlocked files into the annex. This is meant to be called from git's pre-commit hook. `git annex init` automatically creates a pre-commit hook using this. * fromkey key file This plumbing-level command can be used to manually set up a file in the git repository to link to a specified key. * dropkey [key ...] This plumbing-level command drops the annexed data for the specified keys from this repository. This can be used to drop content for arbitrary keys, which do not need to have a file in the git repository pointing at them. Example: git annex dropkey SHA1-s10-7da006579dd64330eb2456001fd01948430572f2 * transferkeys This plumbing-level command is used by the assistant to transfer data. * rekey [file key ...] This plumbing-level command is similar to migrate, but you specify both the file, and the new key to use for it. With --force, even files whose content is not currently available will be rekeyed. Use with caution. * test This runs git-annex's built-in test suite. * xmppgit This command is used internally to perform git pulls over XMPP. # OPTIONS * --force Force unsafe actions, such as dropping a file's content when no other source of it can be verified to still exist, or adding ignored files. Use with care. * --fast Enables less expensive, but also less thorough versions of some commands. What is avoided depends on the command. * --auto Enables automatic mode. Commands that get, drop, or move file contents will only do so when needed to help satisfy the setting of annex.numcopies, and preferred content configuration. * --quiet Avoid the default verbose display of what is done; only show errors and progress displays. * --verbose Enable verbose display. * --json Rather than the normal output, generate JSON. This is intended to be parsed by programs that use git-annex. Each line of output is a JSON object. Note that json output is only usable with some git-annex commands, like status and find. * --debug Show debug messages. * --from=repository Specifies a repository that content will be retrieved from, or that should otherwise be acted on. It should be specified using the name of a configured remote. * --to=repository Specifies a repository that content will be sent to. It should be specified using the name of a configured remote. * --numcopies=n Overrides the `annex.numcopies` setting, forcing git-annex to ensure the specified number of copies exist. Note that setting numcopies to 0 is very unsafe. * --time-limit=time Limits how long a git-annex command runs. The time can be something like "5h", or "30m" or even "45s" or "10d". Note that git-annex may continue running a little past the specified time limit, in order to finish processing a file. Also, note that if the time limit prevents git-annex from doing all it was asked to, it will exit with a special code, 101. * --trust=repository * --semitrust=repository * --untrust=repository Overrides trust settings for a repository. May be specified more than once. The repository should be specified using the name of a configured remote, or the UUID or description of a repository. * --trust-glacier-inventory Amazon Glacier inventories take hours to retrieve, and may not represent the current state of a repository. So git-annex does not trust that files that the inventory claims are in Glacier are really there. This switch can be used to allow it to trust the inventory. Be careful using this, especially if you or someone else might have recently removed a file from Glacier. If you try to drop the only other copy of the file, and this switch is enabled, you could lose data! * --backend=name Specifies which key-value backend to use. This can be used when adding a file to the annex, or migrating a file. Once files are in the annex, their backend is known and this option is not necessary. * --format=value Specifies a custom output format. The value is a format string, in which '${var}' is expanded to the value of a variable. To right-justify a variable with whitespace, use '${var;width}' ; to left-justify a variable, use '${var;-width}'; to escape unusual characters in a variable, use '${escaped_var}' Also, '\\n' is a newline, '\\000' is a NULL, etc. * -c name=value Used to override git configuration settings. May be specified multiple times. # FILE MATCHING OPTIONS These options can all be specified multiple times, and can be combined to limit which files git-annex acts on. Arbitrarily complicated expressions can be built using these options. For example: --exclude '*.mp3' --and --not -( --in=usbdrive --or --in=archive -) The above example prevents git-annex from working on mp3 files whose file contents are present at either of two repositories. * --exclude=glob Skips files matching the glob pattern. The glob is matched relative to the current directory. For example: --exclude='*.mp3' --exclude='subdir/*' * --include=glob Skips files not matching the glob pattern. (Same as --not --exclude.) For example, to include only mp3 and ogg files: --include='*.mp3' --or --include='*.ogg' * --in=repository Matches only files that git-annex believes have their contents present in a repository. Note that it does not check the repository to verify that it still has the content. The repository should be specified using the name of a configured remote, or the UUID or description of a repository. For the current repository, use --in=here * --copies=number Matches only files that git-annex believes to have the specified number of copies, or more. Note that it does not check remotes to verify that the copies still exist. * --copies=trustlevel:number Matches only files that git-annex believes have the specified number of copies, on remotes with the specified trust level. For example, "--copies=trusted:2" * --copies=groupname:number Matches only files that git-annex believes have the specified number of copies, on remotes in the specified group. For example, "--copies=archive:2" * --inbackend=name Matches only files whose content is stored using the specified key-value backend. * --inallgroup=groupname Matches only files that git-annex believes are present in all repositories in the specified group. * --smallerthan=size * --largerthan=size Matches only files whose content is smaller than, or larger than the specified size. The size can be specified with any commonly used units, for example, "0.5 gb" or "100 KiloBytes" * --not Inverts the next file matching option. For example, to only act on files with less than 3 copies, use --not --copies=3 * --and Requires that both the previous and the next file matching option matches. The default. * --or Requires that either the previous, or the next file matching option matches. * -( Opens a group of file matching options. * -) Closes a group of file matching options. # PREFERRED CONTENT Each repository has a preferred content setting, which specifies content that the repository wants to have present. These settings can be configured using `git annex vicfg`. They are used by the `--auto` option, and by the git-annex assistant. The preferred content settings are similar, but not identical to the file matching options specified above, just without the dashes. For example: exclude=archive/* and (include=*.mp3 or smallerthan=1mb) The main differences are that `exclude=` and `include=` always match relative to the top of the git repository, and that there is no equivilant to --in. # CONFIGURATION Like other git commands, git-annex is configured via `.git/config`. Here are all the supported configuration settings. * `annex.uuid` A unique UUID for this repository (automatically set). * `annex.numcopies` Number of copies of files to keep across all repositories. (default: 1) Note that setting numcopies to 0 is very unsafe. * `annex.backends` Space-separated list of names of the key-value backends to use. The first listed is used to store new files by default. * `annex.diskreserve` Amount of disk space to reserve. Disk space is checked when transferring content to avoid running out, and additional free space can be reserved via this option, to make space for more important content (such as git commit logs). Can be specified with any commonly used units, for example, "0.5 gb" or "100 KiloBytes" The default reserve is 1 megabyte. * `annex.largefiles` Allows configuring which files `git annex add` and the assistant consider to be large enough to need to be added to the annex. By default, all files are added to the annex. The value is a preferred content expression. See PREFERRED CONTENT for details. Example: annex.largefiles = largerthan=100kb and not (include=*.c or include=*.h) * `annex.queuesize` git-annex builds a queue of git commands, in order to combine similar commands for speed. By default the size of the queue is limited to 10240 commands; this can be used to change the size. If you have plenty of memory and are working with very large numbers of files, increasing the queue size can speed it up. * `annex.bloomcapacity` The `git annex unused` command uses a bloom filter to determine what data is no longer used. The default bloom filter is sized to handle up to 500000 keys. If your repository is larger than that, you can adjust this to avoid `git annex unused` not noticing some unused data files. Increasing this will make `git-annex unused` consume more memory; run `git annex status` for memory usage numbers. * `annex.bloomaccuracy` Adjusts the accuracy of the bloom filter used by `git annex unused`. The default accuracy is 1000 -- 1 unused file out of 1000 will be missed by `git annex unused`. Increasing the accuracy will make `git annex unused` consume more memory; run `git annex status` for memory usage numbers. * `annex.sshcaching` By default, git-annex caches ssh connections (if built using a new enough ssh). To disable this, set to `false`. * `annex.alwayscommit` By default, git-annex automatically commits data to the git-annex branch after each command is run. To disable these commits, set to `false`. Then data will only be committed when running `git annex merge` (or by automatic merges) or `git annex sync`. * `annex.delayadd` Makes the watch and assistant commands delay for the specified number of seconds before adding a newly created file to the annex. Normally this is not needed, because they already wait for all writers of the file to close it. On Mac OSX, when not using direct mode this defaults to 1 second, to work around a bad interaction with software there. * `annex.autocommit` Set to false to prevent the git-annex assistant from automatically committing changes to files in the repository. * `annex.version` Automatically maintained, and used to automate upgrades between versions. * `annex.direct` Set to true when the repository is in direct mode. Should not be set manually; use the "git annex direct" and "git annex indirect" commands instead. * `annex.crippledfilesystem` Set to true if the repository is on a crippled filesystem, such as FAT, which does not support symbolic links, or hard links, or unix permissions. This is automatically probed by "git annex init". * `remote..annex-cost` When determining which repository to transfer annexed files from or to, ones with lower costs are preferred. The default cost is 100 for local repositories, and 200 for remote repositories. * `remote..annex-cost-command` If set, the command is run, and the number it outputs is used as the cost. This allows varying the cost based on eg, the current network. The cost-command can be any shell command line. * `remote..annex-start-command` A command to run when git-annex begins to use the remote. This can be used to, for example, mount the directory containing the remote. The command may be run repeatedly when multiple git-annex processes are running concurrently. * `remote..annex-stop-command` A command to run when git-annex is done using the remote. The command will only be run once *all* running git-annex processes are finished using the remote. * `remote..annex-ignore` If set to `true`, prevents git-annex from using this remote by default. (You can still request it be used by the --from and --to options.) This is, for example, useful if the remote is located somewhere without git-annex-shell. (For example, if it's on GitHub). Or, it could be used if the network connection between two repositories is too slow to be used normally. * `remote..annex-sync` If set to `false`, prevents git-annex sync (and the git-annex assistant) from syncing with this remote. * `remote..annexUrl` Can be used to specify a different url than the regular `remote..url` for git-annex to use when talking with the remote. Similar to the `pushUrl` used by git-push. * `remote..annex-uuid` git-annex caches UUIDs of remote repositories here. * `remote..annex-trustlevel` Configures a local trust level for the remote. This overrides the value configured by the trust and untrust commands. The value can be any of "trusted", "semitrusted" or "untrusted". * `remote..annex-ssh-options` Options to use when using ssh to talk to this remote. * `remote..annex-rsync-options` Options to use when using rsync to or from this remote. For example, to force ipv6, and limit the bandwidth to 100Kbyte/s, set it to "-6 --bwlimit 100" * `remote..annex-bup-split-options` Options to pass to bup split when storing content in this remote. For example, to limit the bandwidth to 100Kbyte/s, set it to "--bwlimit 100k" (There is no corresponding option for bup join.) * `remote..annex-gnupg-options` Options to pass to GnuPG for symmetric encryption. For instance, to use the AES cipher with a 256 bits key and disable compression, set it to "--cipher-algo AES256 --compress-algo none". (These options take precedence over the default GnuPG configuration, which is otherwise used.) * `annex.ssh-options`, `annex.rsync-options`, `annex.bup-split-options`, `annex.gnupg-options` Default ssh, rsync, wget/curl, bup, and GnuPG options to use if a remote does not have specific options. * `annex.web-options` Options to use when using wget or curl to download a file from the web. (wget is always used in preference to curl if available). For example, to force ipv4 only, set it to "-4" * `annex.http-headers` HTTP headers to send when downloading from the web. Multiple lines of this option can be set, one per header. * `annex.http-headers-command` If set, the command is run and each line of its output is used as a HTTP header. This overrides annex.http-headers. * `remote..rsyncurl` Used by rsync special remotes, this configures the location of the rsync repository to use. Normally this is automatically set up by `git annex initremote`, but you can change it if needed. * `remote..buprepo` Used by bup special remotes, this configures the location of the bup repository to use. Normally this is automatically set up by `git annex initremote`, but you can change it if needed. * `remote..directory` Used by directory special remotes, this configures the location of the directory where annexed files are stored for this remote. Normally this is automatically set up by `git annex initremote`, but you can change it if needed. * `remote..s3` Used to identify Amazon S3 special remotes. Normally this is automatically set up by `git annex initremote`. * `remote..glacier` Used to identify Amazon Glacier special remotes. Normally this is automatically set up by `git annex initremote`. * `remote..webdav` Used to identify webdav special remotes. Normally this is automatically set up by `git annex initremote`. * `remote..annex-xmppaddress` Used to identify the XMPP address of a Jabber buddy. Normally this is set up by the git-annex assistant when pairing over XMPP. # CONFIGURATION VIA .gitattributes The key-value backend used when adding a new file to the annex can be configured on a per-file-type basis via `.gitattributes` files. In the file, the `annex.backend` attribute can be set to the name of the backend to use. For example, this here's how to use the WORM backend by default, but the SHA256E backend for ogg files: * annex.backend=WORM *.ogg annex.backend=SHA256E The numcopies setting can also be configured on a per-file-type basis via the `annex.numcopies` attribute in `.gitattributes` files. For example, this makes two copies be needed for wav files: *.wav annex.numcopies=2 Note that setting numcopies to 0 is very unsafe. # FILES These files are used by git-annex: `.git/annex/objects/` in your git repository contains the annexed file contents that are currently available. Annexed files in your git repository symlink to that content. `.git/annex/` in your git repository contains other run-time information used by git-annex. `~/.config/git-annex/autostart` is a list of git repositories to start the git-annex assistant in. # SEE ALSO Most of git-annex's documentation is available on its web site, If git-annex is installed from a package, a copy of its documentation should be included, in, for example, `/usr/share/doc/git-annex/` # AUTHOR Joey Hess Warning: Automatically converted into a man page by mdwn2man. Edit with care