[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 3""" date="2016-10-17T19:24:35Z" content=""" `git annex undo` undoes the last change that was committed to the file. If the file has staged changes, `git annex undo` first commits those changes (to avoid losing data) and then undoes that commit. The reason that `git annex undo` deleted the files from your working tree is that the previous commit did not have those files in it, and it undid to the state at that commit. So, you will never lose the content of a file by running `git annex undo`. If `git annex undo` deletes a file, you can always get it back by checking out a previous version of the branch. Or even by running `git annex undo` a second time, to undo the undo. """]]