# NAME git-annex p2p - configure peer-2-peer links between repositories # SYNOPSIS git annex p2p [options] # DESCRIPTION This command can be used to link git-annex repositories over peer-2-peer networks. Currently, the only P2P network supported by git-annex is Tor hidden services. # OPTIONS * `--gen-address` Generates addresses that can be used to access this git-annex repository over the available P2P networks. The address or addresses is output to stdout. * `--link` Sets up a git remote that is accessed over a P2P network. This will prompt for an address to be entered; you should paste in the address that was generated by --gen-address in the remote repository. Defaults to making the git remote be named "peer1", "peer2", etc. This can be overridden with the `--name` option. * `--name` Specify a name to use when setting up a git remote. # SEE ALSO [[git-annex]](1) [[git-annex-enable-tor]](1) [[git-annex-remotedaemon]](1) # AUTHOR Joey Hess Warning: Automatically converted into a man page by mdwn2man. Edit with care.