# NAME git-annex export - export content to a remote # SYNOPSIS git annex export `treeish --to remote` # DESCRIPTION Use this command to export a tree of files from a git-annex repository. Normally files are stored on a git-annex special remote named by their keys. That is great for data storage, but your filenames are obscured. Exporting replicates the tree to the special remote as-is. Mixing key/value and exports in the same remote would be a mess and so is not allowed. So, you have to configure a remote with `exporttree=true` when initially setting it up with [[git-annex-initremote]](1). Repeated exports are done efficiently, by diffing the old and new tree, and transferring only the changed files. Exports can be interrupted and resumed. However, partially uploaded files will be re-started from the beginning. # SEE ALSO [[git-annex]](1) [[git-annex-export]](1) # AUTHOR Joey Hess Warning: Automatically converted into a man page by mdwn2man. Edit with care.